PHIL 378 - Contemporary Epistemology and Metaphysics- Fall, 2024
Metropolitan State University


First position paper instructions Due Monday October 28 by 10 AM (This version is carried over from last time. Check back for an updated version.)

Second position paper instructions Due Wednesday, December 11, by 10 AM (This version is carried over from last time. Check back for an updated version.)

Guidelines for writing philosophy papers (by Jim Pryor of NYU)

Down below the schedule are links to a bunch of stuff.


Tentative schedule of assignments (Really tentative. Check back for updates)

!!!!!!Don't forget to refresh the page in your browser to make sure you are seeing the latest version!!!!!



 Reading Assignments Note: all readings will be available online or emailed to students.)

Writing assignments due

Aug 28

Introductory Session




Traditional metaphysics in the analytic style: an introductory sample Introduction and Chapters 1, 8, and 10 in Metaphysics: A Very Short Introduction by Stephen Mumford (pdf emailed) Response paper

Sept. 11

Social metaphysics in the analytic style

Ian Hacking, "Making Up People"

Mikkel Flohr, "Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities"

Response paper

Sept. 18

Feminist metaphysics in the analytic style

Sally Haslanger, Chapter 10 "A Social Contructionist Analysis of Race" from Resisting Reality: Social construction and Social Critique (available online through our library, requires Star ID login, click on the table of contents and go to chapter 10);

Kwame Anthony Appiah, Chapter 4 "Color" from The Lies That Bind

Response paper

Sept. 25

Queer theory and metaphysics


Tamsin Spargo, "Foucault and Queer Theory"

Optional: here's another overview with cartoons.

Response paper

Oct. 2

 Existentialism as Metaphysics 1
  1. “Being-In-the-World”, which is Chapter 3 of Heidegger, by David E. Cooper
  2. “Sartre”, which is the second half of Chapter 9, of Philosophy and Philosophers, by John Shand (Just read the part about Sartre which starts on page 229.)
  3. Selection from Being and Time by Martin Heidegger

Response paper;

Oct. 9

 Existentialism as Metaphysics 2

1. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, "The Intertwining - The Chiasm" (from The Visible and the Invisible);

For help with this difficult text I suggest reading the introductory paragraphs of the Stanford Encyclopedia article on Merleau-Ponty and, then the brief summary of The Visible and the Invisible, which is section 5 of the article. If you have time for something longer, you could try "Chiasm and Flesh" by Fred Evans from Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts (available online throuhg our library)

2. Marquis Bey, Selections from Black Trans Feminism


Response paper


Oct. 16

Afropessimism as metaphysics

  1. The editors’ introduction to the book Afro-pessimism: an Introduction
  2. Patrice Douglass and Frank Wilderson, "The Violence of Presence: Metaphysics in a Blackened World"


Response paper;


Oct. 23

What is metaphysics and what should it be? (A pause to digest our study of Metaphysics) No new reading

First Position Paper due Monday Oct. 28 by 10 am

Oct. 30

Mainstream Analytic Epistemology 1 Selections from Epistemology: A Very Short Introduction by Jennifer Nagel: Please read: Chapter 1 (Introduction),
Chapter 4 (The Analysis of knowledge) and
Chapter 5 (Internalism and Externalism). 
If you have time, you could also read Chapter 8 (Knowing about Knowing), but that is optional.
Response Paper

Nov. 6

Mainstream Analytic Epistemology 2

Selections from Problems of Knowledge by Michael Williams
Chapter 5 "Agrippa's Trilemma"
Chapter 7 "Foundations"
Chapter 8 "The Problem of the Basis"

Response paper;

Nov. 13

 Mainstream Analytic Epistemology 3

Selections from Problems of Knowledge by Michael Williams
Chapter 13 “Evidence and Entitlement”
Chapter 14 “Knowledge in Context”
Chapter 19 “Relativism”


Response paper

Nov. 20

Epistemology historicized and politicized

There is one thing I would like everyone to read:

Postmodernism and Philosophy” by Stuart Sim. (Requires library login.) Chapter one of the Routledge Companion to Postmodernism

Then I would like you to pick (at least) one of the following

  1. “Two Lectures” by Michel Foucault
  2. “Truth and Power” by Michel Foucault
  3. “Foucault’s Normative Epistemology” by Linda Alcoff

 Items 1 and 2 can be found here as Chapters 5 and 6 of Power/Knowledge

Item 3 is Chapter 9 of the book Companion to Foucault available through our library

Response Paper

Nov. 27

Feminism in Epistemology


  1. Rae Langton, “Feminism in Epistemology: Exclusion and objectification” 

Response paper; second paper instructions handed out

Dec. 4


Race, Disability, and the Epistemology of Ignorance

Just one required reading this week:

1. "Knowing Disability Differently" by Shelley Tremain

(It may help to read this summary of To Kill A Mockingbird, if you haven't read the novel or seen the film. The part most relevant to Tremain's discussion is the last few paragraphs, describing the trial of Tom Robinson.) 

Is the epistemology of ignorance itself a form of epistemic injustice?

Optional extra's:

1. a brief ‘explainer’ that gives you the gist of Fricker’s idea of 'epistemic injustice':

2. "White Ignorance" by Charles Mills;



Response paper
Dec. 11 No class  

2nd Position Paper due



There is a large archive of writings by and about various thinkers (Marxists, of course, but many other thinkers as well) at:

Translations and editing are not always the best, but this is still a great resource.


The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Articles are highly reliable, but fairly advanced; many are written by leading scholars.)

Metaphysics (overview)

Feminist Metaphysics

Arabic and Islamic Metaphysics

Metaphysics in Chinese Philosophy

Presentism (Only present things, as opposed to past and future things, exist)




Social Ontology

Possible Objects

Mereology (the theory of the relations of parts and whole)

Natural Kinds


David Lewis (apparently, the most cited analytic philosopher in the second half of the 20th century; famous for arguing for the existence of many possible worlds)


Epistemology (overview)

Social Epistemology

Evolutionary Epistemology

Bayesian Epistemology

Reliabilist Epistemology

Naturalism in Epistemology

Epistemic Contextualism

Feminist Epistemology

Epistemology in Chinese Philosophy

Epistemology in Classical Indian Philosophy

Topics in Epistemology:



The Analysis of Knowledge

The Value of Knowledge









Schools of Thought and Thinkers:

Critical Theory (overview)









Simone de Beauvoir


Postmodernism (overview)





Africana Philosophy

Contemporary Africana Philosophy

Akan Philosophy of the Person



Critical Philosophy of Race

Philosophy of Liberation (Latin American)


See especially: Post-colonial theory